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    Can Probiotics Help with Weight Loss During Menopause?

    Can Probiotics Help with Weight Loss During Menopause?

    Probiotics aren't a magic bullet for health and weight loss.

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    More menopause resources

    How Society Fails Women in Menopause (And What We Can do About it)

    Society often treats the subject of women's bodies—and especially menopause—as taboo. Here's what we can do to change the...

    Movies That Celebrate & Affirm Older Women

    If menopause has you feeling frumpy or uninspired, these movies about older women will remind you just how strong,...

    7 Ways to Check in With Yourself During Menopause

    Hormonal changes can make you feel like your body is turning against you. Practice self-care and ask yourself these...

    Importance of a Support Ecosystem During Menopause

    Don't worry, you are not alone – there are roughly 2 million women in the country who are going...

    Can Collagen Help Sun-Damaged Skin?

    Sunlight can cause noticeable changes your skin. Collagen is the first step in keeping it healthy.

    7 Summer Skincare Essentials

    Your skin changes as you get older. Here are 7 skincare essentials to keep skin healthy at any age!

    Stopping Night Sweats in Summer

    Night sweats keeping you up? Say goodbye to them this summer with these simple tips.

    How to Maintain Your Energy Levels This Summer

    Keep your energy levels high this summer with these healthy habits.

    How To Get Enough Fiber in Summer

    How can you get more fiber into your diet this summer? Read more to find out.

    6 Stress Relieving Techniques

    Stress affects your body in many ways. Managing stress is crucial to maintaining your health. Check out these tips!

    Is Collagen Essential to Immune Health?

    Could collagen be the key to skin health? Here's how collagen helps maintain immune health.

    Is Stress Acne Real?

    Can stress make acne worse even in menopause? Here are a few ways to help combat stress acne.

    Can Stress Cause Hot Flashes? What You Need to Know

    Learn more about how stress can affect our symptoms during perimenopause or menopause — and why it happens. 

    Top 5 Nutrients The Immune System Needs

    Your immune system can suffer during menopause. These 5 nutrients can help keep your immune health high.

    Top 5 Nutrients Your Brain Needs

    Menopause changes your brain's health. Protecting it is important. Want to know how? Get these 5 nutrients in your...

    Are Nutritional Deficiencies Dangerous?

    Nutritional deficiencies impact your health every day. What are they? How are they caused? Find out here.

    7 Ways to Improve Mental Health

    Mental health changes as women go through menopause. Here are a few ways women can help improve mental health in...

    Top 6 Affirmations to Tell Yourself

    Mental health can be hard, especially in menopause. These affirmations can help bring balance to mental health and mood.

    How DIM May Help With Menopause Symptoms

    Diindolylmethane (DIM) is a natural compound that gets produced after eating certain vegetables. And some studies suggest that it...

    Staying Young in Menopause - Take Control of Your Body

    Feeling younger at any menopausal stage involves solving what triggers your side effects — a hormonal imbalance in your...

    Menopause Symptom Research

    Access to new information is giving us greater insight into how we can preserve our health during the menopausal...

    5 Ways To Improve Self-Love

    Self-love is important to mental health. Here are 5 ways you can improve your self-love today!

    How A Nutritious Diet Can Support You in Perimenopause

    What nutrients do you really need during perimenopause?

    3 Ways Building Muscle Helps Metabolism, Bone Health, and More

    Looking to improve your metabolism? Building muscle mass could be the answer.

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