Subscription Policy

Cancellation and Changes

  1. Cancellation Requests
    • To cancel your subscription, please login to your customer portal and click on "Manage Subscription"
    • If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our customer care team at Customers must submit cancellation requests at least 24 hours prior to their scheduled ship date.
    • Note: We cannot guarantee any changes if requested less than 24 hours before the ship date, and any refunds on shipped subscriptions are subject to following our green return policy.

  2. Changes to Subscription

    • To modify your subscription, please login to your customer portal and click on “Manage Subscription.”
    • To make changes to your shipping address or payment method, please login to your customer portal and select the correct option on your home page.
    • If you encounter any issues, please reach out to our customer care team at Customers must submit modifications at least 24 hours prior to their scheduled ship date.

Additional Information

  • Order Processing:
    • You will receive an email notification prior to order processing, allowing you to revise, skip, or cancel your subscription. Please add to your contact list to ensure this notification reaches your inbox.
    • Once a subscription order is processed, it cannot be canceled.
  • Shipping:
    • Subscription orders ship free.

For questions or further assistance, contact our customer care team at