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How to Master Menopause


This detailed guide will help you: Identify the most common menopausal symptoms. Give scientific insight into your body's changes. Provide methods and solutions to reducing menopaThis detailed guide will help you:

  • Identify the most common menopausal symptoms.
  • Give scientific insight into your body's changes.
  • Provide methods and solutions to reducing menopausal symptoms and improving overall health.
  • Explain the research behind the microbiome and how it affects your health.
  • Illustrate the power of probiotics to change not only menopause but your mood, immune system, and heart health.usal symptoms and improving overall health. Explain the research behind the microbiome and how it affects your health. Illustrate the power of probiotics to change not only menopause but your mood, immune system, and heart health.

What do 100 percent of women experience in their lifetimes and more than half dread the mere thought of? Menopause doesn't have a terrific track record. It's left many women feeling isolated and anxious - but never fear, like everything else, there's a way to get through it.

Whether you're experiencing the first waves of menopause or you're waiting for the day it all starts, Vanessa Ford and Danielle Jacobs, CoFounders of MenoLabs, have created a detailed guide to help you through. How to Master Menopause is a blueprint that can help you manage your symptoms and improve your overall health. 

This detailed guide will help you:

  • Identify the most common menopausal symptoms.

  • Give scientific insight into your body's changes.

  • Provide methods and solutions to reducing menopausal symptoms and improving overall health.

  • Explain the research behind the microbiome and how it affects your health. 

  • Illustrate the power of probiotics to change not only menopause but your mood, immune system, and heart health.

Every woman's life experience is different, and menopause is no exception. With the right tools, you can become the master of your menopause with ease. 

Maximize Your Results

LOVE your body

It's the only one you have. Treat it well. Respect it. Love it!

EAT well

Good health starts with good nutrition. Feed your body what it needs: fiber-rich foods and the right probiotics are a great start!


Water is critical to keeping your entire body healthy and running smoothly. It’s also great for your skin health!

MOVE daily

Sedentary lifestyles are as bad for you as smoking. Move every day to keep your body active and healthy.

Repeat for LIFE

Take your life back script lettering MenoLabs

We want women in menopause to feel like themselves again, and be the healthiest, best version of themselves - through their menopause journey and beyond.

Every woman deserves to find her inner goddess!

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