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Total Menopause Symptom Relief*
90 Day Quick Start (30 Day Supply) Complete Menopause Support Bundle
Between family, work, finances, friends - it's all a little overwhelming. So it's no wonder we put ourselves last. But that means that our stress builds up, our energy levels drop, our weight starts creeping up, we lose muscle tone, and it all adds up until our mood swings and anxiety are through the roof.
We know it’s a vicious cycle: we’re tired, so we feel worse, so we don’t take the time to prepare a healthy meal, so we eat worse, and we move less, and our stress builds up, so we sleep less, and we’re tired, so we feel worse, and it Just. Keeps. Repeating.
The way to disrupt this cycle isn’t in your head, or on in a gym, it’s in your GUT. The bacteria populations that live in your gut impact everything: from weight and hunger, to energy and mood. They are little factories that release critical natural substances into our bloodstream, and when they are out of balance, we are out of balance.
After decades of study on the gut microbiome, I am confident that it is responsible for nearly 1/3 of your overall health. From immune health and heart health, to nutrient sensing, weight gain and sugar metabolism, all the way to mood, anxiety and sleep improvements - if your gut is out of balance, your health is out of balance.
- Dr. John Konhilas, PhD and Leading Women's Health ResearcherMaximize Your Results
LOVE your body
It's the only one you have. Treat it well. Respect it. Love it!
EAT well
Good health starts with good nutrition. Feed your body what it needs: fiber-rich foods and the right probiotics are a great start!
Water is critical to keeping your entire body healthy and running smoothly. It’s also great for your skin health!
MOVE daily
Sedentary lifestyles are as bad for you as smoking. Move every day to keep your body active and healthy.
Repeat for LIFE
We want women in menopause to feel like themselves again, and be the healthiest, best version of themselves - through their menopause journey and beyond.
Every woman deserves to find her inner goddess!