MenoGlow 90 Day 3-Pack

Menopause Probiotic Plus Beauty Support*

90 Day Supply


63 reviews

Enjoy menopause symptom relief plus hair, skin, and nail support. Hydrate your skin from the inside out with MenoGlow®. Adds vibrancy to the skin, nourishes hair, and strengthens nails.*

MenoGlow® (90 Day Supply)

MenoGlow® is specifically formulated to help with the most common issues women have with their hair, skin, and nails during menopause. Hormonal changes can affect your microbiome, which in turn can affect your body's ability to produce what it needs to maintain the elasticity and radiance of your skin and the strength of your hair and nails. MenoGlow® combines probiotics with vitamins and minerals to address these issues while helping relieve a multitude of menopausal symptoms.*

MenoLabs Customers Report^:

  • Up to 92% reduction in hot flashes
  • Up to 80% reduction in mood swings
  • Up to 71% improved mood
  • Up to 67% fewer headaches
  • Up to 67% reduction in cramps
  • Up to 64% reduction in allergy symptoms
  • Up to 64% reduction in anxiousness
  • Up to 46% reduction in sleeplessness
  • A higher percentage of body weight lost^^
  • A lower percentage of body weight gained^^
^ When compared to participants not taking MenoLabs products in a study of 6,694 participants over 60 days.
^^ When compared to control participants over 10 weeks.

All Natural Options

Vanessa's Story

Vanessa was 44 when perimenopause started having a serious, negative impact on her life.

Watch the video to meet her and hear about her menopause journey, and what prompted her to start MenoLabs with her best friend and business partner, Danielle. Together they've created the most comprehensive, naturally sourced menopause relief you can find.

Hyaluronic Acid and Algae

  • Keep skin hydrated
  • Minimize fine lines and wrinkles
  • Strengthen hair and nails*

Beauty Starts on the Inside

  • Probiotics keep skin healthy and radiant
  • Reverse the effects of UV damage
  • Promote digestive health
  • Added bonus - reduce the frequency and severity of hot flashes!*

100% Natural Ingredients

  • Hormone-free
  • Soy-free
  • MSG-free
  • Dairy-free
  • Shellfish-free
  • Sugar-free
  • No artificial flavors or colors
  • Cruelty-free
  • Vegetarian

MenoGlow® Proprietary Probiotic Blend

MenoGlow includes our proprietary blend of premium quality probiotics, specifically identified and formulated by Dr. John P. Konhilas to address the symptoms of menopause. MenoGlow is doctor-formulated to provide relief from hot flashes and fight signs of aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, acne, and brittle hair and nails for women going through all stages of menopause. Our researchers have spent over 20 years identifying the best probiotic strains for MenoGlow, and we have created it specifically for the health and radiance of your skin. We have formulated a more specific way of targeting aging skin for women going through all stages of menopause.*

Bifidobacterium animalis ssp. Lactis - Weight Loss and Hormone Balance*

B. animalis has shown a positive impact supporting weight loss in the research of Dr. Konhilas in multiple studies. In fact, weight loss is what started his research into this particular strain. The presence of B. animalis can aid in balancing the body's hormones as probiotic bacteria can help deconjugate (recycle) estrogen.* **

Lactobacillus acidophilus La-14® - Skin Health*

The significant reduction of estrogen and progesterone in postmenopausal women cause the skin to age at a faster rate. Clinical and preclinical studies of Lactobacillus acidophilus demonstrate protection for the skin. In the studies below, tyndallized Lactobacillus acidophilus strains have shown a positive impact in multiple studies on the UV damage, moisture level, and appearance of wrinkles in mice and a positive impact on atopic dermatitis in human clinical studies.*

Lactobacillus reuteri - Anxiety, Digestion, and Immune Support*

Lactobacillus reuteri is a long-studied probiotic in numerous studies with multiple sub-strains. Our inclusion of it here is based on continuing research that suggests a gut-brain axis that may be affected by hormones, which may impact anxiety and mood and bone loss.

While the anxiety research is still taking place in mice, the bone loss study for older women was a double-blind placebo-controlled study showing the reduction of bone loss with oral supplementation of Lactobacillus reuteri. We also find the use of Lactobacillus reuteri in an aging mouse study to return the “glow of youth,” a fascinating first step in understanding the role the microbiome plays in overall health.*

Lactobacillus paracasei - Skin Health*

Lactobacillus paracasei has been repeatedly studied for its impact on skin health. Studies have shown that some substrains have an effect in reducing skin sensitivity. Further studies are underway to explore how that gut-skin-immune connection may impact atopic dermatitis and dandruff as well. Researchers have also shown that Lactobacillus paracasei may aid in reinforcing the skin's overall barrier function, decrease sensitivity, prevent dehydration, and help with the skin's immune system and preservation.*

“Several strains of Lactobacillus also demonstrate anti-inflammatory properties. The addition of Lactobacillus paracasei NCC2461 has been shown to inhibit neurogenic inflammation in a skin model. And the addition of L. paracasei NCC2461 to lymphocyte culture has also been shown to strongly inhibit the proliferative activity of CD-4 + T-cells in a dose-dependent manner and to induce the anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-beta (7). Mice who consumed the probiotic for seven days demonstrated a significantly higher antibody response and in vivo T-cell-mediated immune response, indicating L. paracasei affects both B-and T-cell function (Benyacoub et al., 2014). Similarly, mice treated with Lactobacillus casei had an increased ability to produce IL-10 and promote T-regulatory cell function (Hacini-Rachinel et al., 2009). An increase in T-regulatory cells suggests that this probiotic may help to balance the immune system’s response to stimuli (Hacini-Rachinel et al., 2009, Pellaton et al., 2012). Consequently, certain probiotic strains may potentially boost appropriate immune responses, for example, to a harmful pathogenic threat, while dampening the unnecessary immune responses seen in chronic inflammatory states.” **

MenoGlow® Prebiotic Blend

The MenoGlow Prebiotic blend is specifically formulated to stabilize and support the potential efficacy of the nutrient supplements and probiotics in our formulation. To ensure the best possible environment for probiotics in your gut, you need prebiotics (fiber). We've also added stabilizers that will provide a tiny bit of oil (fat) molecules to help with vitamin absorption and antioxidants to help neutralize free radicals. We use calcium as a stabilizer and add tocotrienols to support bone density and bone health specifically. Finally, we added resveratrol, a promising anti-aging antioxidant. Antioxidants can keep the ingredients from oxidizing as well as reducing free radicals in your body. We chose one of the most researched antioxidants we could find.*

Organic Jerusalem Artichoke (inulin) - Food for “Good” Gut Bacteria*

We have included a fiber prebiotic (Organic Jerusalem Artichoke) which serves as a "food source" for the healthy gut bacteria in the capsule and in your digestive tract. A high fiber diet is linked to overall improved health and supports good bacteria in the microbiome.*

Tocotrienols Complex (Palm Oil Derived) - Bone Health*

Tocotrienols may reduce the degeneration bones and continued bone health and healthy aging. Small amounts of bone loss occur as people age. Still, women are at higher risk of losing a significant amount, especially during menopause.*

Calcium Carbonate - Bone Health*

Calcium intake (along with sufficient Vitamin D and Vitamin K2) has been shown to prevent bone loss and reduce the risk of fractures in both perimenopausal and postmenopausal women. Calcium Carbonate is included in our blend to not only help with bone health but can also have positive effects on the heart, your muscles, and the nervous system.*

Organic Acacia Gum - Weight Loss and Cholesterol*

With the reduction of female hormones during menopause, postmenopausal women may experience difficulty losing weight along with higher cholesterol levels. Acacia is an excellent source of fiber. Fiber intake is an important part of maintaining a healthy weight and helps to support the probiotic strains in this formulation.*

Resveratrol - Heart Health and Healthy Aging*

Resveratrol shows promise as an antioxidant to prevent or repair oxidative stress and cellular damage from oxidation. Stress, aging, poor diet, and other factors can increase oxidative stress in menopausal women. A diet rich in antioxidants has been shown to support improved health outcomes.*

Sunflower Lecithin - Heart Health and Cholesterol*

Lecithin is an essential fat for the health of human cells. As bodies age, lecithin can improve overall health and energy while reducing fatigue in some placebo-controlled studies.*

MenoGlow® Support Supplements

MenoGlow has taken natural herbs and ingredients to help with not only aging skin but also other menopause symptoms as well. We packed many of the best herbs for women’s health into this supplement to support heart health, hot flashes, mood swings, hormone balance, as well as anti-aging. Each is a source of isoflavones, which become phytoestrogens when combined with the right probiotics in your gut. Phytoestrogens are plant compounds that bind with estrogen receptors in your body. Think of them as nature’s hormone supplements.*

Astaxanthin Complex (Algae Derived) - Antioxidants*

Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring chemical of a group called carotenoids and is naturally found in algae. It is one of the most widely studied and powerful antioxidant substances. Studies have been done to show the impact of astaxanthin on skin health, aging, the immune system, and overall health. *

L-Threonine - Digestion, Immunity, Muscles, and Nervous System Support*

We have included this in our probiotic blend because threonine is a vital amino acid, critical in regulating protein balance. This amino acid is needed for serine and glycine, which are necessary and responsible for muscle tissue production. L-threonine has many uses in the body, such as supporting digestive function, liver function, the central nervous system, muscle and connective tissues, the immune system.*

Hyaluronic Acid - Skin Health*

Shown in a double-blind placebo-controlled study in Japan to inhibit skin wrinkles and improve skin health. It is known that hyaluronic acid has moisturizing properties and retention capabilities for the skin. Hyaluronic acid shows favorable results and has very few side effects for postmenopausal women experiencing vaginal dryness or atrophic vaginitis.*

Red Clover - Hot Flashes and Hormone Balance*

Red clover is especially interesting when combined with multiple strains of lactobacillus. There is recent human clinical research that shows an apparent reduction in hot flash frequency and intensity in this combination. Red clover contains additional isoflavones (biochanin A, formononetin) not found in soy, which may have additional biological activity.*

Chasteberry Extract - Mood Swings*

Chasteberry may help bloat, cramps, breast tenderness, and mood swings. It has been found to have several biologically active compounds, including flavonoids, iridoid glycosides, and essential oils. We've included chasteberry as menopausal women have reported improved mood, sleep, and an overall improvement in menopause symptoms.*

Dong Quai Root Extract - Hot Flashes*

This mainstay of traditional Chinese medicine has been found to decrease the overall number of hot flashes and night sweats compared to placebo in studies. Some postmenopausal women have used this traditional Chinese herb as one of the potential alternatives to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).*

Magnolia Bark Extract - Menopause Symptom Support*

Studies suggest that magnolia may be used to help with symptoms of menopause. More specifically, it may reduce anxiety, insomnia, irritability, and other areas of neurology affected by the hormonal fluctuations in menopause.*

MenoGlow® Nutritional Support Formulation

Not all vitamins are created equal. To best support your health as you transition, we wanted something better than just a general “multivitamin”. We wanted to target our focus on the things women in all stages of menopause need a little more of.

Vitamin C (as zinc ascorbate) - Immune Support*

Vitamin D3 (as cholecalciferol) - Sleep, Bone Health, and Immune Health*

In menopause, you need a good source of calcium, Vitamin K, and Vitamin D to properly deposit calcium into bone. Together, Vitamin K and Vitamin D help from something called Osteocalcin, which builds bone. Vitamin D is critical for many systems in your body, including your immune system, bones, skin, and it can even affect your mood and anxiety. As many as 75% of Americans have a Vitamin D deficiency, and we’ve got 100% of your daily value in our nutritional support blend.*

Vitamin K2 (MK7) - Bone Health*

As women age, especially when transitioning through menopause, bone density decreases with it. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in helping control and maintain bone density as it is essential for synthesizing and processing osteocalcin, a necessary protein for maintaining bone strength. Together with calcium and Vitamin D, Vitamin K is critical to supporting bone health.*

Riboflavin (as Riboflavin-5-phosphate (coenzyme vitamin B2)) - Antioxidant to Fight Free Radicals*

It is known that riboflavin is a potent anti-inflammatory agent. It reduces the presence of certain proteins that are responsible for inflammation. It's loaded with antioxidants that prevent the damage of cells as you age into the transition through menopause.*

Vitamin B6 (as Pyridoxal-5-phosphate (coenzyme vitamin B6)) - Mood, Brain Health, and Irritability*

Vitamin B6 may help keep menopausal mood swings under control. It helps produce serotonin in the brain, a calming neurotransmitter that aids in stabilizing your mood while potentially reducing depression and irritability. It is a natural support supplement for mood swings, brain health, irritability, fatigue, hot flashes, and anxiety.*

Methylated Folate (as L-5-methyltetrahydrofolate) - Energy, Hair, Skin, and Nails*

Methylfolate is a B vitamin that is important for tissue growth and cellular function, helping maintain the integrity of your hair, skin, and nails as you age. Also, energy production and healthy body functions like those of your thyroid, nervous, and adrenal functions are all dependent on methylation. Along with a healthy supply of vitamins folate, B6, B12, magnesium, and zinc, it can aid in the methylation processes that can result in higher levels of energy.*

Vitamin B12 (as methylcobalamin) - Nervous System Support*

Vitamin B 12 is a crucial B vitamin, vital for the synthesis of red blood cells in the human body. We cannot live without oxygen, and red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body, thus maintaining our health. The human body produces millions of red blood cells per minute and cannot properly multiply without vitamin B-12. Deficiencies can result in permanent damage to both the brain and the nervous system.*

Zinc (as zinc ascorbate) - Anti-Aging and Immune System Support*

Zinc has an abundance of anti-aging effects for menopausal women. It stimulates the antioxidant and immune defenses in the body to fight against aging and age-related diseases. Zinc also has a host of health benefits. Because of the reduction of estrogen and progesterone in postmenopausal women, their immunities could be compromised more frequently. Fortunately, zinc aids in defending the body against viruses and bacteria, increasing effective immune responses.*

Benfotiamine - Blood Glucose*

Benfotiamine helps in the reduction of damage from free radicals, while also protecting our bodies from the consequences of high sugar intake. Benfotiamine has also been shown to have positive effects on those with blood glucose control issues. It helps reduce unfavorable glucose metabolites and other cellular activity involved in microvascular damage in the body.*

Directions for use

  • Take 2 capsules every morning with food
  • Each bottle contains a 30-day supply (60 capsules)
  • For best results use daily
  • Relief in as little 30 days, optimal results within 60-90 days
  • Results improve with continued use
  • Store in a cool dry place
  • Refrigeration is not required

The MenoLabs Difference

  • Safe & Hormone Free
  • No Side Effects
  • No Prescription Needed
  • Naturally Sourced Ingredients
  • No Artificial Flavors or Colors
  • Non-GMO
  • Stimulant & Caffeine Free
  • 25 Billion CFU
  • 90 Day Money Back Guarantee

Co-founders, Vanessa and Danielle, want women in menopause to feel like themselves again, and be the healthiest, best version of themselves - through their menopause journey and beyond.

Every woman deserves to find her inner goddess!