We’re Making Aging More Complicated Than It Should Be

MenoLabs News | Thu, Sep 05, 2024

There are two types of messaging around aging. Well, maybe just one. The first: overcomplicated regimens, expensive products, relentless anti-aging hacks, inevitable declines in health and a long list of symptoms, and 17-step systems to hold on to your youth. The second is a lack of discussion. Out of sight, out of mind! If we don’t talk about it, it won’t happen. 

It’s all telling you one thing–aging is scary, and doing something about it is hard (if not impossible)! We’re here to encourage you: healthy aging is possible, and much simpler than you think.  

Here are the 5 simple truths that will keep you healthy, active, and aging well. 


Just Keep Moving 


It would take a few hands to count the fad workouts and changing advice over the years, promising to shave off weight or give magical results in 2 weeks. Think back to the vibrating belt, Jazzercise, BowFlex. Each will tell you that it’s the only way to be healthy, meet your goals, and feel good!  

Good news–the key is simply to move. Move in whatever way you like, a little bit every day. Here are the key things for staying active and aging well: incorporating some strength exercises and weights, stretching each day to maintain your mobility, and getting some cardio and endurance in for your heart health (hello, walking!).  

Don’t have 30 minutes? Give 2. Can’t lift 20lbs? Lift 5. No energy to go to a class? Get outside and walk around the block. Any movement is better than no movement.  

Movement you can (and should) do every day for just a few minutes:  


Feed Yourself Well 


Forget about the things to avoid and restrictions to follow–let’s focus on the simple essentials to keep in your daily meals to live well and age better. Feeding yourself with care (and enjoyment) is essential for healthy aging. First, it will help to keep you energized and moving well. Second, it will fuel your body systems properly: bones, muscles, digestion, skin. Good nutrition is also key for brain health!  


Find flavors you like, experiment with different cooking styles, and keep it fresh! The important thing is eating nutrient dense meals where you can, and enjoying mealtimes, travels, and time with friends. And, stay hydrated. Water, water, water! 


Be With People & Things You Love 


It’s really all about the relationships–with yourself, and with others. If you don’t feel good, nothing seems to work, does it? Doing a workout, eating well, finishing that one project on your list. Spending time with good friends, a supportive community, and in spaces and activities you love is what will keep you motivated, grounded, confident, and at ease. It’s well documented that our social relationships especially are significant indicators of mental health, physical health, cognitive health, positive health habits, coping mechanisms and stress management, and overall mortality risk. In fact, one 80-year Harvard study proved that embracing community helps us live longer and be happier.  

Doing the things you love will also help you age better. Having hobbies and things you take pleasure in help with creative problem solving, building relationships, decreasing depression and increasing positivity, reducing stress. Bonus points if your hobbies are physical and can be taken outside! Make a list of the non-negotiable relationships and activities, and make time for them in your schedule, even if it’s just once a month. Future you will be grateful (and happier).  


Train Your Brain  


You probably already know the benefits of a good workout for healthy aging. But what about a good brain workout? Cognitive health is often something that gets missed–we take it for granted. The ability to think clearly, problem solve, retain memories, and learn new things is essential for longevity and long-term health, and it’s never too late to do something about it. Plus, all the things above (movement, good food, and community) will also help!  

A few more things to support brain health:  


Prioritize Your Sleep  


Good sleep is associated with healthy aging. Why does good sleep matter? To regulate your body, restore energy, repair damage, manage inflammation, improve brain cognition, and boost mood. Without good sleep, our bodies are susceptible to brain disease and dementia, heart disease, injury and falls, and mental health conditions such as depression. People of every age need 7-9 hours of sleep per night, roughly.  

Tips to sleep better:  


Know Your Why  


Having a long-term, firm goal will keep you going far beyond hitting your goal weight or fitting into a certain outfit. Think about the things that matter to you now, and what you want to be doing 20 years from now. Match it up with what you’re doing now, and fill in the gaps!   


*This response should not be considered medical advice and is being provided for information purposes only. It is not intended to substitute professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please consult with your healthcare provider should you have any questions or concerns. 

This blog was written by our partner, Movement Living. Movement Living is a lifestyle network for the modern woman, helping you cut through the noise and focus on what matters, from wellness, food, fitness, beauty & style, to culture, relationships, and more. Movement Living offers daily lifestyle news, need-to-know trends and shopping, newsletters you actually want to read, and a premium wellness studio––everything you need to live well and age better. 

Access the MenoLabs x Movement Living exercise collection here. 

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